Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:28:42 -0600
From: Adam Tuck
Subject: Guardian Unlimited: The first king of the beasts
A Duncan lookalike? Only by name [perhaps not -- I have added this nice picture of a ginger Dunkleosteus. TP], and tentatively so, but still, I haven't contributed for a while.
To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to http://www.guardian.co.uk
The first king of the beasts
Ian Sample, science correspondent
Wednesday November 29 2006
The Guardian

Meet Dunkleosteus, a four tonne, 10-metre, armour-plated fish that was arguably the first king of the beasts. The monster fish cruised the oceans 400m years ago, preying on creatures much larger than itself, its blade-like fangs adept at tearing its quarry in two.
Using fossilised skull remains, scientists have built up a biomechanical model of the fish's powerful jaw and surrounding musculature and reveal today that it had the strongest bite of any fish ever to exist.
Philip Anderson's team at the University of Chicago found that the predator's jaws snapped shut with a force of more than five tonnes. The jaws were articulated by a unique mechanism based on four rotational joints working in harmony, they report in the Royal Society journal, Biology Letters, today.
Dunkleosteus was the first known large predator, pre-dating the dinosaurs. It belonged to a diverse group of armoured fish, placoderms, that dominated the oceans in the Devonian period between 360m and 415m years ago. Its formidable bite allowed it to feast on other armoured aquatic animals, including primitive sharks and smaller creatures protected by bone-like casings.
"Dunkleosteus was able to devour anything in its environment," said Dr Anderson. The bladed jaws, which enabled the beast to take on prey much larger than its mouth, is a feature sharks did not develop until 100m years later.
Mark Westneat, curator of fishes at the Field Museum in Chicago added: "The most interesting part of this work for me was discovering that this heavily-armoured fish was both fast during jaw opening and quite powerful during jaw closing. This is possible due to the unique engineering design of its skull and different muscles used for opening and closing. And it made this fish into one of the first true apex predators seen in the vertebrate fossil record."
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